Sunday, January 22, 2012

A life lived for You

It's been been 6 months since I was last in Africa but the memories are still so evident. I will always remember the faces of the people I was blessed enough to meet here in Burundi. I have been forever changed as a witness of what God was doing in such a poor and destitute country. God really broke my heart for what breaks his. The hope that the people had was way more than I have ever seen. They know the Living God is with them every step of their life and it shows in everything they do. 

This is a water system that Water Missions International put in the Batwa village where we worked for a work.

This was a "soccer ball" they used before we gave them real soccer balls. 

This baby was born that morning. It was the second day we were there in the village.

Kurtz Smith play the drum...

The most beautiful lake I have ever seen. Lake Tanganyika

The kids got there porridge. For some, that would be their only meal for the day.. It breaks my heart

Monday, January 16, 2012

Trusting that He will provide

The other I day I went to my local park in the Old Village to dump some oyster shells when I noticed how low the tide was. It was a good chance to walk around on what normally is covered by water. As I started trekking through the mud I started praying that God would give me the sight to see and find some pretty cool things. As soon as a started praying, I found a big chunk of coal on the ground. Something that could have fallen off of a steam boat and/or came from a house that had washed away from a hurricane. Either way that coal had to be at least 90 years old because coal isn't needed much anymore. But I kept finding things laying around on the beach, picking up trash along the way. The more I started picking up stuff, the less I could carry. Take to heart that I'm praying to God during all this. Thanking him for the so simple but so taken for granted, gift of sight. I could not imagine being blind. I guess that's where trusting in the Lord really comes into play through faith. So as I was finding all this stuff, I started wondering where I was going to put it all. When all of a sudden my eyes caught a glimpse of a bucket. I said to God, "you really do provide, don't you?" It was something so simple but really got me thinking. When we put our full trust into God, He will supply our needs. No matter what fork in the road you face, keep praying, but be thankful that God's answers are wiser than your prayers. It says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that, "God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it." Trusting in God is one of the most important things through faith and not sight. As this year starts, I am waiting on God the reveal to me what He's calling me to do. I trust that He will. I know He will. It won't be easy waiting upon the Lord, but through this season  of abiding, I will do my part. I will stay in the word, walk by faith and stay in constant prayer.