Monday, February 13, 2012

His Majesty

     I read a devotional yesterday morning that started out by asking a question: "When was the last time something took your breath away because of its majesty?" I started thinking of sunsets. To me, when I see a beautiful sunset, I'm a deer caught in the headlights. Especially when I have a camera in my hand. God really uses His Majesty in things here on earth that catches our eyes in amazement. By looking around us and examining some of God's creations, we can start to see how detailed things can really get. Whether it being a butterfly or a cloud. He is our Creator and we are His creation, and "all creation is an outstretched finger pointing toward God." Stop sometime and see how nature really reflects God's glory. You will be amazed!

Here are some photos over the past few weeks that to me, really reflect God's image: